
Thanksgiving Day was the holiday which North America was in sole possession of, the beginning in 1621. In 1863, American President Lincoln decided as it the national holiday, and stipulation every year November fourth Thursday for US'S Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day has four days vacations. Is borrowing the long vacation, very many people can hurry back the family to celebrate the festival, therefore, the American Thanksgiving Day lively degree is not inferior to Chinese the Midautumn Festival.

At the beginning of 17th century, England's Puritan encounter the persecution. In September, 1620, 102 Puritan mounted "in May flower" the sailing ship, arrived US'S plymouth port on December 26, the preparation started the new life. However, these immigrations basic are ill should the local environment, after the first year winter passes, only some 50 people fortunately survive. The second year spring, the local Indian gives them very many essential items, and how the church do they cultivate on this land. This year autumn, the immigrants have obtained bumper crop, at the end of November, the immigrants please come the Indian to share the corn, the pumpkin, the turkey and so on the delicacies which manufactures, thank their help, thank God to grant bumper crop. From now on, Thanksgiving Day turned US'S fixed holiday.


17世纪初,英国的清教徒遭到迫害。1620年9月,102名清教徒登上“五月花”号帆船,于12月26日到达了美国的普利茅斯港,准备开始新的生活。然 而,这些移民根本不适应当地环境,第一年冬天过后,只有50人幸存。第二年春天,当地印第安人送给他们很多必需品,并教会他们如何在这块土地上耕作。这一 年秋天,移民们获得了大丰收,11月底,移民们请来印第安人共享玉米、南瓜、火鸡等制作成的佳肴,感谢他们的帮助,感谢上帝赐予了一个大丰收。自此,感恩 节变成了美国的固定节日。

办学目标:建设成为省内顶尖、国内一流的高品质、示范性民办学校。 价值追求:创造最适宜师生发展的教育。 培养目标:具有中国灵魂和国际竞争力的现代人。 育人体系:“五自立人”生长教育。 德育模式:“五成”生长德育。 教师发展:基于教育现场的校本研修策略。